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Join the Little Shul by the River as we delve deeply into the Days of Awe, with multi-access offerings and in-person family services. Rooted by our ancient and modern rituals and prayers, awakened by the stirring melodies, we gather to uplift each other as we encounter 5784 with buoyancy, rejuvenation and grounds for hope and empowered participation in our lives.
Daily Elul Zoom Check-In.  Please join us for the last week of Elul as we continue the process of teshuva, of returning to our souls, and doing the inner work of repairing and deepening our relationship with ourselves, others and with the Divine. The themes of Elul are self-reflection, forgiveness and divine closeness, among others. We meet every morning (except Shabbat) at 9 am on zoom for our Elul check-ins. These 15-minute sessions include a teaching/meditation by a member of KHN and the blowing of the shofar.  Wendy Blevins, Ginny Witte, Anita Lerman, Rabbi Diana and Betsy Stern will lead teachings next week. Andy Kaufman will blow the shofar. Join us HERE


All services will include in-person indoor,
 in-person outdoor and Zoom access, unless noted



Due to a new strain of COVID, N-95 or  KN95 masks are encouraged but not required. We are aiming to protect our senior population which is most at risk for COVID.  Please stay home if you have any symptoms of COVID or a cold or a flu and join us on Zoom.

Selichot Shabbat (Friday Sept. 8 - Saturday Sept. 9) - Adirchai Haberman-Browns is returning to KHN from Jerusalem!

We invite you to join us for a community Selichot journey.

Beginnings aren’t simple and as the Jewish New Year is approaching, we want to prepare ourselves to really begin in the way that is best for us.  Embarking on this journey, we will travel through traditional liturgy and tunes, contemporary music and moments of sharing and reflection. Taking this time to recalibrate, remember and reconnect is a special gift we can offer ourselves and each other. May we merit to take a few steps together towards our fullest and brightest selves, bringing in this New Year with intention and love.

Kabbalat Shabbat, Friday evening at 7 pm .  Adirchai will lead us in traditional and contemporary tefillah.

Shabbat Services, Saturday morning at 10 am,  Torah, songs and discussion followed by a potluck lunch. Please RSVP to Rabbi Diana if you'd like to participate and/or bring food: 

Havdalah, Saturday evening, doors open at 7:15 pm, followed by a Selichot Ceremony beginning at 7:30 pm.


Erev Rosh Hashana (Fri Sept. 15)

o   Doors open 6 pm; services begin at 6:30 pm sharp

Rosh Hashana Day 1 (Sat Sept. 16)

o   Services at 9:30 am followed by apples and honey at the shul and tashlich by the river
o   Family Service (outside, weather permitting, in-person only, no Zoom): 2 pm, followed by another tashlich

Rosh Hashana Day 2 (Sun Sept 17)

o   Services at 9:30 am, followed by apples and honey at the shul

Kol Nidre (Sun Sept 24)

o   Doors open 6 pm, services begin at 6:30 pm sharp

 Yom Kippur (Mon Sept 25)

o   9:30 am:   Services
o   2 pm:   Family Service, in-person only, no Zoom
o   Doors open at 3:45 pm.  From 4-4:15 pm Jane Barg will lead a brief meditation.  From 4:15 - 5 pm:   Debra Brosan will offer a Yom Kippur-themed taste of Contemplative Study/PARDES . A time for reflection before we move into the final parts of Yom Kippur.  In person only. Outside under tents, weather permitting, otherwise, indoors.
o  5:15 pm:   Mincha/Ma’ariv into Neilah (including reading of the Book of Jonah by David Bader)
Break the Fast: Once again, Weather Permitting, we will have our outdoor BYOBTF (in the event of rain it gets moved inside) ....Bring Your Own Break The Fast.  We will sit together in community and nosh after the last services on Yom Kippur.  This is a nice treat, especially for those that live a bit further away.  Some folks brought for others to share, which was nice but not a requirement. Please email if you have questions. RSVP by clicking HERE


For KHN members wishing to bring family or friends:

  • Single Holiday: $150 per adult
  • All Services/Holidays: $250 per adult
  • No charge for children under 12 years old
  • Zoom/Virtual Attendance: No charge (donation suggested)

For Non-Members:

  • Single Holiday: $250 per adult (in-person)
  • All Services/Holidays: $400 per adult (in-person)
  • No charge for children under 12 years old (in-person)
  • Zoom/Virtual Attendance: No charge (donation suggested)

 To purchase guest tickets, please click  HERE

    If there is a hardship with cost, please contact Treasurer Mike Meixler at 

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785