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Elul & Shabbat Announcements

08/17/2023 08:01:58 PM


Dear Hevre,

Hodesh tov! Today is Rosh Hodesh Elul and tomorrow morning at 9:00 am we will begin our monthlong journey toward Rosh Hashanah, meeting each morning of the month of Elul (except for Shabbat). During this month we are engaging in a cheshbon hanefesh, a searching of our souls, and engaging in teshuvah, turning, returning, and doing the deep work of repentance. Between now and Yom Kippur, we are invited to work on our relationships with others. On Yom Kippur, it is just between ourselves and the Holy One.

We will begin tomorrow morning with rabbinic intern Steph Breitsman leading us in our first teaching and Andy Kaufman will be blowing the shofar. The will take place only on Zoom. Here is the link each morning:

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Rabbinic intern Steph will also be offering two Elul High Holiday Prep text study courses also only on Zoom at the usual time of Mysticism Monday, on August 21 and August 28 at 6:30 pm. The link will be:

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I’m sorry that I won’t be with you tomorrow evening for Shabbat services. I had a wonderful time in Maine, but even after masking for most of the weekend (every time I was inside), I contracted COVID. Lew Scheindlin will be leading services both in person and online. Please try to come and make a minyan for those who are saying Kaddish, and just to welcome in Shabbat.

Services begin at 7:00 pm. If you are coming on Zoom, the link is: (removed from blog fo

I will look forward to connecting with you soon.

If you wish to contact me, please don't press reply to this message but rather please email me at:

Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Diana


Thu, May 9 2024 1 Iyar 5784